On 07/17/2010 06:18 PM, Samuel Penn wrote:
Hi all,

I've decided to have a play with Xfce (4.6.1, on Gentoo) but I'm having
some keyboard issues. I can't see to get a UK layout on my keyboard. It
works fine in KDE.

I've tried the Keyboard Layouts plugin, and I've also added options
into xorg.conf[1] as suggested by some Googling, but I haven't been
able to get a UK keyboard map. Can anyone provide any suggestions?

[1] I added this to xorg.conf:

Section "InputDevice"
     Identifier "Keyboard1"
     Driver "kbd"
     Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
     Option "XkbLayout" "gb"

I had this problem after installing Slackware 13.1 and XFCE 4.6.1
I don't remember having it with previous versions.

Slackware still uses hal, which I understand is on its way out. If
your system doesn't use hal, this may not help.

I had to copy the file




and edit it. The line

<merge key="input.xkb.layout" type="string">us</merge>

needs to be changed so that "us" becomes "gb"

I don't know why this is necessary, or what XFCE does if the
system isn't running hal.


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