On 12/04/11 15:29, Paul Tansom wrote:
** Tony Whitmore<t...@tonywhitmore.co.uk>  [2011-04-12 10:04]:
 We (Ubuntu UK Podcast&  Linux Outlaws) have just announced that we'll be
 holding another OggCamp this year. If you've not heard of it, it's the
 biggest and best free (as in beer) community-run FLOSS event in the UK!

 OggCamp 11 will be held on the 13th&  14th August at Farnham Maltings [0]
 in Surrey and it's free to attend. Details are on our website [1].

 We have put the basics about the event up on the site, and will add more
 information as we have it, including travel and accommodation info.

 As with last year's event we'll have a few rooms available for people to
 give talks about things that interest them. The event isn't specifically
 about Free Software or indeed Linux, but it does lean heavily in that
 direction. If you'd like to talk about something that interests you, do
 come along, grab a slot and rock on.

 We're actively looking for sponsors of the event, so if you know any
 groups/companies who might be interested, do throw them our way. Contact
 details on the site [1].

 Although entrance is free we'd ask that people sign up at Eventbrite so we
 can get an idea of numbers ahead of time. If you later find you can't make
 it, do let us know so we can release the ticket.

 We'll be announcing more details over the coming months on both Linux
 Outlaws [3] and the Ubuntu UK Podcast [4], and of course we'll update the
 main site [1] too.
** end quote [Tony Whitmore]

Yay, close enough to attend this year. Just signed up, and count me in if the
camping idea goes ahead - so long as the ground is firm enough for my VW camper
van :)

Hope to see you all on Saturday. I would love to also come Sunday but I exhibit at the Bracknell Computer Fairs monthly on that day in a concession slot and want to keep it going.

If there is good parking for a small motorhome I may use that for the journey on Saturday.

alan cocks
Ubuntu user

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