Hi Leo,

On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 09:21:29PM +0100, Leo wrote:
> Having got back from holiday I've noticed that the time on my cameras was 
> not set to the correct timezone, or set the same on each camera. Does 
> anyone know of a way of either setting a timezone in a jpeg file (i.e. in 
> the exif), or bulk changing the time in the pictures by a given number of 
> hours?

Assuming you mean the time stored in the EXIF tags, I would be very
surprised if your scripting language of choice doesn't have a module
for reading and writing them which would allow you to read, modify
and set the tag as you want.

Failing that, a quick google produced this likely candidate:

which seems to be in Ubuntu as libimage-exiftool-perl.

Haven't tried it myself.


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