Hi all,

A friendly reminder that SLUG will be at Nokia this Saturday.
Follow the instructions below if you want to come along.
Note that Nokia cannot accept minors onto the site, so it's 16yrs+ only.


Bob Beattie
Senior Technical Support Engineer
Camera Development Systems, MP R&D,
Nokia Southwood, UK
Tel : +44 (0)1252 866452

-----Original Message-----
From: surrey-boun...@mailman.lug.org.uk 
[mailto:surrey-boun...@mailman.lug.org.uk] On Behalf Of ext Robert Longstaff
Sent: 30 July 2011 14:50
To: sur...@mailman.lug.org.uk
Subject: [Surrey] Bring-a-box meeting: 6th August 2011

Hello. Just a reminder that the next Surrey LUG Bring-a-box meeting is a week 
from now at Nokia Farnborough on Saturday 6th August - slightly earlier than 

There are still openings for talks/presentations - just add it to the list on 
the LUG page at:


For those planning to attend OggCamp 11 the following weekend and looking to 
give a talk, why not try it out here first to gauge interest and get 
suggestions on content, format, etc?

When you arrive at the main gate of the Nokia campus, press the intercom button 
and state that you're there for the Linux User Group meeting. The campus is a 
bit of a distance from the stations in Farnborough so do let the list know if 
you're able to offer lifts or collect people from the station.

Finally, don't forget to register with Bob, our generous host, if you want to 
attend - email him your car registration and next of kin contact details that 
must be provided by all those visiting Nokia.


Surrey mailing list

Please post to: Hampshire@mailman.lug.org.uk
Web Interface: https://mailman.lug.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/hampshire
LUG URL: http://www.hantslug.org.uk

Reply via email to