On 15/07/12 12:10, Tim Brocklehurst wrote:
On Sunday 15 Jul 2012 11:28:21 you wrote:
Hello Tim

Thank you for your response.

The computer identifies the device (sudo lsusb) but I still can't see
the actual files on it.

Output of dmesg with device plugged in then removed is attached as a
screen dump.
I don't understand: ohci_hcd
Important line from dmesg...
[timestamp] usb 2-5: new full-speed USB device number 4 using ohci_hcd

The line above tells us that ohci_hcd recognises the device as a legitimate
USB device, which is good news. "ohci_hcd" is part of the USB stack. Someone
else may be able to provide more info on exactly how it works.

After a bit of searching I found this thread:


About 60% down the page it mentions the ODVR project which should be a good
place to look for advice.

The following link might also be helpful:


Good Luck,

Tim B.
Success !

I've been playing around with it since lunch finished - i.e. for a while!
The program 'odvr' kept reporting that my test files were an unhandled quality (the VN-2100PC records in XHQ, HQ, SP or LP). After some experimentation I found 'odvr' works only in XHQ - not truly a problem as I never get near the limits of the device storage.

So here we have a very happy bunny now able to do EVERYTHING he needs using Ubuntu 12.04 Linux.
Thank you all - especially Tim - for exemplary support.

Ain't Linux great!

Tony Wood
(from Linux PC)

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