I was recently lucky enough to be involved in a development project in a remote community in Ethiopia which involved installing solar and batteries.

Whilst we were there we visited the local school which had an "ICT" centre with a single PC and a further PC used by the staff. It was basically a large mud hut with a earth floor. Despite this the school had managed to get 25 students into higher education. I thought that they could benefit from a few raspberry pis.

On the way back I met a German development economist who was working for the EU in Botswana . He said they were interested in a UK product "the raspberry pi".

I promised to send him some background info about the raspberry pi and how it could be used in education which I know it must but haven't had experience myself.

Can anybody suggest resources links that would be useful to pass on? I haven't started yet but can imagine somebody out there may have much more experience.



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