Hi Mr. Quynh et all,

We can discuss this topic in this Friday coffee meeting.
See you there today!!
Kind regards,

----- Original Message ----
From: Vu Do Quynh <vu.do.qu...@auf.org>
To: Hanoi Linux Users Group <hanoilug at lists.hanoilug.org>
Sent: Friday, August 24, 2007 9:23:12 AM
Subject: Re: [HanoiLUG] Cool features in Fedora 7

Truong Anh Tuan a ?crit :

> Some cool features in Fedora 7 could help community build their own liveCD, 
> installationCD and even, own distros :).
> http://www.redhatmagazine.com/2007/05/31/remixing-fedora-7/?sc_cid=3361
> It looks like APTonCD in Debian world mentioned by Mr. Quynh.
> I have never tried it but I am willing to do that if there are someone also 
> would like to make their own CDs like me.

It's quite interesting. That could be a topic for one specific thematic
hanoilug's activity... building a specific Hanoilug's distros,
vietnamized and based on Fedora ? Why not ?

If other people are interested we could set up something at CNF ?

M. Vu Do Quynh
Agence universitaire de la Francophonie, Bureau Asie Pacifique
Responsable, Campus num?rique francophone (CNF) de Hanoi
C?/ IFI (Rez de chauss?e, derri?re l'Amphi. Marcel Dassault)
B?timent D, Impasse (Ngo) 42, rue Ta Quang Buu (Q. Hai Ba Trung), Hanoi
T?l: +84-4-868.48.85 ; T?l?copie: +84-4-869.45.09
Sites de toile: http://www.vn.refer.org/
HanoiLUG mailing lists: http://lists.hanoilug.org/mailman/
HanoiLUG wiki: http://wiki.hanoilug.org/
HanoiLUG blog: http://blog.hanoilug.org/

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