Jean, you are definitely correct :).
It's also what I thought about.

 Kind regards,

----- Original Message ----
From: Jean Christophe Andr? <>
To: Hanoi Linux Users Group <hanoilug at>
Sent: Friday, May 9, 2008 6:52:00 PM
Subject: Re: [HanoiLUG] [Fwd: [Asiasource-l] Is Linux Sysadmin on high demand 
in your country?]

Nguyen Dinh Nam a ?crit :
> On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 10:48 AM, NAHieu <nahieu at
> <mailto:nahieu at>> wrote:
>     BTW, is it really *possible* to find a linux sysadmin job in Hanoi???
>     Is it possible to have salary over $1000/month for a guy who knows
>     a lot about network infrastructure, network services, database,
>     web programming, can code a lot of programming languages including
>     assembly at lowest level (16bit, firmware), have good
>     understanding about computer security, have great understanding
>     about Linux kernel, and can write kernel code, and can
>     speak/read/write English very well?
>     If so, my friend might be interested.
> If there is really someone with these skills willing to work long term
> in Hanoi, I'll definitely pay him at least $1000/month. Just tell him
> to send me an email.
And personally I would even say that $1000 is not that much for all
these skills at once...

That's why skilled technical people would usually try to find a job in a
foreign company (or even abroad) first. And because of that, the country
would lack skilled people and grow slower at technology...

Of course we all know that Vietnamese companies are not rich enough --
so they say -- to give a good salary, but real skilled people have a
real price too!

Jean Christophe "????" ANDR? ? Responsable technique r?gional
Bureau Asie-Pacifique (BAP) ?
Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AuF) ?
Adresse postale : AUF, 21 L? Th?nh T?ng, T.T. Ho?n Ki?m, H? N?i, Vi?t Nam
T?l. : +84 4 9331108   Fax : +84 4 8247383   Mobile : +84 91 3248747
? Note personnelle : merci d'?viter de m'envoyer des fichiers PowerPoint  ?
? ou Word, voir ?
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