> For the vi-telex, I am very happy with its smart switch between English and
> Vietnamese mode -just like D?ng has already mentioned before.
> I'll report you all should any bug or weird behavior get discovered.

G?i ?? ???c ??a v?o trong m?c experimental trong kho c?a hanoilug. M?i
c?c b?c d?ng th? phi?n b?n m?i n?y h?y t?o ra file hanoilug.list c?
n?i dung:

$ cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hanoilug.list

deb http://virror.hanoilug.org/ubuntu/hanoilug hardy contrib import experimental
deb-src http://virror.hanoilug.org/ubuntu/hanoilug hardy contrib
import experimental

R?i sau ?? update v? upgrade.

V? nh?n ti?n, server virror.hanoilug.org ??t ? Netnam c? b?ng th?ng
r?t t?t. C?c b?c n?n s? d?ng l?m kho ch?nh. T?i lu?n lu?n download
???c v?i t?c ?? x?p x? 300kBps, b?t k? ng?y ??m. Nh? c?ng JC, Netnam
v? Intel :)

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