Hi Alex,

On Tue, Aug 17, 2021 at 02:19:38PM +0200, Aleksandar Lazic wrote:
> ```
> 3424                         if ((curproxy->mode != PR_MODE_HTTP) && 
> (curproxy->options & PR_O_REUSE_MASK) != PR_O_REUSE_NEVR)
> 3425                                 curproxy->options &= ~PR_O_REUSE_MASK;
> ```
> Does this mean that even when no "http-reuse ..." is set will the "http-reuse 
> safe" set on the proxy?

Yes, that's since 2.0. Reuse in "safe" mode is enabled by default.
You can forcefully disable it using "http-reuse never" if you want
(e.g. for debugging or if you suspect a bug in the server). But
"safe" is as safe as regular keep-alive.

Hoping this helps,

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