On Mon, Jan 19, 2009 at 10:16:46PM +0100, Jordi Espasa wrote:
> >Jordi's question got me thinking. Does haproxy support externally
> >scripted healthchecks? If not, this would be useful for implementing a
> >variety of healthchecks that aren't built into haproxy.
> Yes. It would be a very cool feature.

No it does not. Yes it would be cool, but it's somewhat incompatible
with chroot. The possible long-term solutions include :
  - shared library support, in order to load external plugins,
    including complex health-checks plugins ;

  - performing the checks in an independant process. That would
    be very nice since it would allow better support for
    multi-process usage.

Another solution would be to state that chroot is incompatible
with external scripts, and let the user make a choice. Maybe we
can try to think about the required parameters for an external
script, and see how that could be implemented. We might even
reuse some parts of what I had developped for Keepalived (VRRP
tracking scripts). It was quite advanced (cache of last result,
etc...), and keepalived's and haproxy's architectures are quite

Now, speaking about the LDAP checks, I was about to implement
one in the past due to a customer's need, and finally let go
because the customer was not interested due to some aspects
which were not covered (detection of end of replication). So
right now there's no LDAP check.


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