I am perplexed as HAproxy doesn't recognise the 'redirect' keyword.
I have the following configuration file:



        log local0

        maxconn 4096

        chroot  /var/lib/haproxy

        user    haproxy

        group   haproxy


        spread-checks      10



        mode            http

        option          httplog

        option          dontlognull

        option          logasap

        retries              3

        option redispatch

        maxconn           2000

        contimeout        5000

        clitimeout       50000

        srvtimeout      300000

        stats uri /stats_haproxy

        stats auth admin:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

        stats scope testproxy

        stats scope check_hosts

        stats refresh 60


listen  testproxy

        cookie HACookie insert indirect

        balance roundrobin

        redirect https:// if !LOCALHOST

        server  penquin   cookie penquin check inter 2000 rise
2 fall 3 weight 100

        log global



When starting HAproxy I get the following message:

[ALERT] 090/123820 (3190) : parsing [/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg:32] : unknown
keyword 'redirect' in 'listen' section

[ALERT] 090/123820 (3190) : Error reading configuration file :

Errors in configuration file, check with haproxy check.


However the documentation and multiple examples found in the net show that
'redirect' is a valid keyword. I also tried 'redir'. Removing 'if
!LOCALHOST' doesn't help either (the idea is to redirect the browser to
https:// if the connection doesn't come from localhost i.e. Stunnel).


So what I am trying to do is to force http-connections to use SSL. I have
Stunnel listening and Stunnel connects to (i.e.


If I force SSL in the server, there's a loop: Firefox complains :

                "Redirect Loop  Firefox has detected that the server is
redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete."

As I understand this is caused by the fact that the browser traffic in
encrypted between the server and HAproxy. 


I believe it should be possible to create an ACL that checks the clients IP
address. If the apparent address is, the traffic is coming
through Stunnel and is encrypted. But if the IP address is not,
the client connects directly to HAproxy and should be redirected to connect
into Stunnel. But how?


Help is greatly appreciated.


Best regards, BM

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