Hi Jeffrey,

On Thu, Apr 02, 2009 at 02:23:44PM +0800, Jeffrey 'jf' Lim wrote:
> Ok perhaps "combinatorial" was not the word that i should have used,
> but... I hope you can see the point/s with the explanation that i
> gave. The "head" acl only gets checked once - thereafter which it goes
> into the body (you could treat it like the standard "if" statement in
> any programming language) to do the evaluation.
> Without this, the "head" acl has to be evaluated every time for every
> combination of "head" acl + "sub" acl for you can go into each
> 'use_backend'. So eg:
> use_backend b1 if host_www.domain.com path1
> use_backend b2 if host_www.domain.com path2
> use_backend b3 if host_www.domain.com path3
> use_backend b4 if host_www.domain path4 or host_www.domain path5
> ...
> use_backend b10 if host_www.d2.com path1
> use_backend b11 if host_www.d2.com path2
> ...
> So does it make sense to cut out all of this? Of course it does.
> Faster acl processing (you dont repeat having to process
> 'host_www.domain.com' every time!), much neater (and maintainable)
> config file.
> ==
> The following is a refined patch (did i mention i was serious about
> this? just to allay the "April Fool's" thing)
> One caveat to take note: at this point in time I'm not going to cater
> for nested 'for_acl's (I think if u really need this, you probably
> have bigger problems). One level of 'for_acl' should be all you
> need... (why is this deja vu) (Willy, I'll work out the documentation
> later once/if u give the go ahead for this, thanks)

I understand the usefulness of your proposal, but I really dislike
the implementation for at least two reasons :
  - right now the config works on a line basis. There are sections, but
    no block. This is the first statement which introduces the notion
    of a block, with a beginning and a mandatory end. I don't like that
    for the same reason I don't like config languages with braces. It's
    harder to debug and maintain.

  - only the "use_backend" rules are covered. So the "for_acl" keyword
    is not suited since in fact you're just processing a "use_backend"
    list. Also, that leaves me with two new questions : what could be
    done for other rules ? Do we need to duplicate all the code, or can
    we factor the same block out and use it everywhere ? Second
    question : maybe you need this for use_backend only, which marks it
    as a special case which might be handled even more easily ?

With all that in mind, I'm wondering if what you want is not just sort
of a massive remapping feature. I see that you have arbitrarily factored
on the Host part and you are selecting the backend based on the path
part. Is this always what you do ? Are there any other cases ? You still
have to declare ACLs for each path. Maybe it would be better to simply
support something like this :

    use_backend back1 if acl1
    map_path_to_backend if Host1
        use BK1 on ^/img
        use BK2 on ^/js
        use BK3 on ^/static/.*\.{jpg|gif|png}
    use_backend backN if aclN

See ? No more ACLs on the path and direct mapping between path and
backends for a given host. If you think you still need ACLs but
just for use_backend rules, maybe we should just use a slightly
different keyword : simply not repeat "use_backend" and use "select"
instead, which does not appear in the normal config section :

   use_backend bk1 if acl1
   use_backend_block if Host1
        select bk1 if path1 or path2
        select bk2 if path3
        select bk3 if path4 src1
   use_backend bkN if aclN

That one would present the advantage of being more intuitive and
would integrate better with other rules. Also, it would make it
more intuitive how to write such blocks for other rule sets, and
is very close to what you've already done. And that does not
require any end tag since the keyword used in the block ("select"
above) is not present in the containing block.

Maybe with a little bit more thinking we could come up with something
more generic like this :

   call use_backend if acl1
      with bk1 if path1 or path2
      with bk2 if ...

   call redirect if acl1
      with prefix http://here.local if path2
      with location / if path3

See ? That would basically add an iterator around any type of ACL
rule, providing us with the ability to only specify the verb on
the first line, and all the args in the list, and this would make
a lot of sense. I don't like the "call" nor "with" keywords, it's
just an illustration.

I'd like to get opinions for other massive ACL users, because any
minor change might have significant impact to many of us, and we
must keep in mind that what we develop has to be maintained over
the years, sometimes conflicting with further features.

Best regards,

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