On Sat, May 16, 2009 at 09:44:53AM -0400, Tom Potwin wrote:
> Hi Willy
> I checked the cfg files for both HAProxy and heartbeat, and they're the same
> where they are supposed to be. You we're right about the SYSLOGD="-r"
> setting. I didn't know I had to do that. I've attached a new copy of the
> haproxy.log file I started when I restarted both LB1 and LB2 servers. It
> shows from the time it works at 08:54, till it stops at 09:14. The log is
> from LB1, and the same log on LB2 shows "May 16 09:14:58 lb2 -- MARK --"
> when I couldn't get back into the stats. I still can get to my test local
> web site even after the stats go away.

But there is no log after 9:11. Are you really sure that your browser is
still going to the load-balancer's IP address ? Do you go there with its
IP address or domain name ? Maybe you have multiple "A" records for the
same host and your browser is rotating between them ? Could you also try
connecting to LB1's own IP address instead of the shared IP address, so
that at least we get a clue whether it's caused by heartbeat doing strange
things or something else ?

Right now I would say that some of your traffic does not even reach the
load balancer :-/

You could even install tcpdump on LB1 and check for your incoming requests.


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