On Tue, Jul 07, 2009 at 02:50:18PM +0100, Pedro Mata-Mouros Fonseca wrote:
> Greetings,
> In the following configuration I'm doing an httpchk for an Apache host:
> backend hosts
>         option httpchk
>         server host1 maxconn 50 check
> This is what shows up in the logs:
> - - [07/Jul/2009:14:35:41 +0100] "OPTIONS / HTTP/1.0" 200 -
> - - [07/Jul/2009:14:35:45 +0100] "OPTIONS / HTTP/1.0" 200 -
> - - [07/Jul/2009:14:35:53 +0100] "OPTIONS / HTTP/1.0" 200 -
> - - [07/Jul/2009:14:35:57 +0100] "OPTIONS / HTTP/1.0" 200 -
> This host should be up, however in the HAProxy console it is marked as  
> DOWN and with a red colored line. Consequently HAProxy is returning a  
> 503 Service Unavailable. This happens every once in a while, after the  
> service is working normaly...

Check your apache logs when this happens, and verify the date between
two checks. It is possible that Apache is sometimes not responding or
even not receiving the checks. Also ensure that apache ALWAYS returns
200 (which I assume it does).

Also, I see "maxconn 50" above. Are you sure that your apache is
configured to accept at least 51 concurrent clients ?


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