Hi Chris,

On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 02:50:44PM +0100, ch...@sargy.co.uk wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I have a wildcard SSL certificate which I wish to do a redirect from  
> http to https whilst maintaining the original subdomain requested, eg:
> http://sub.domain.com/page should be redirected to 
> https://sub.domain.com/page
> I can't do this with redirect_prefix (it seems to require I know the  
> destination in advance)
> Can anyone point me in the right direction for this?

This would mean extract part of the "Host:" request header to build
the "Location:" response header. We planned to implement that at one
moment but it's still not done because there was no use of it yet.
Do you have a lot of domains in your wildcard certificate ? In a first
time you could write as many "redirect" rules as you have domains, if
that's not too many. For instance :

   acl name1 hdr(host) -i name1.domain.com
   acl name2 hdr(host) -i name2.domain.com
   acl name3 hdr(host) -i name3.domain.com
   redirect prefix https://name1.domain.com if name1
   redirect prefix https://name2.domain.com if name2
   redirect prefix https://name3.domain.com if name3

See ?

> Using haproxy 1.3.19 on a Centos 5 machine.

Be careful with 1.3.19, it has a bug causing a random crash if you
forget to set some timeouts on some instances. So be careful to
have a defaults section with at least client/server/connect timeouts


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