Is there a way to specify a program to run to do health checks with
HAProxy?  Right now, I do custom health checking by running a checking
daemon started by x/inetd.  So I set haproxy to do check against a
different port (server ... check address localhost port somethingelse
inter ....).  Then connecting to that somethingelse port spawns a
simple perl script launched by inetd, and that perl script in turn
connects to my real server, checks for health, and then outputs HTTP
200 code if my real service is ok or HTTP 503 if it isn't.

I was hoping I could skip that process, if haproxy had the option to
simply run the script itself and said script simply returned 0 or 1
(or HTTP 200/503 is ok too.)  Ideally, if the script could be given an
argument of the IP address of the server being checked.

Perhaps part of this is because you don't want to have haproxy be
possibly held hostage by some end-user script?  For the most part, a
basic TCP connection check is probably enough.  But for some things,
I'd like a full featured or more thorough check than that.  Checking a
MySQL server is a good example, where if you make too many TCP
connections to the MySQL server and then just disconnect (having
"verified" the health of the MySQL server via a basic tcp-connection
check), the MySQL server will disallow connections from that source.
Yes, that's configurable, but you get the idea.  So I have a local
perl script that connects to the MySQL server, makes a tiny query,
compares the output of the query against a known good value (or
whatever other logic you want), and then outputs HTTP 200/503
depending on what happened.

Next, I think this is related to what Willy warned about in a previous
thread about the default syslogd being slow.  I fired off a giant
batch of requests at my haproxy, and there were a lot of error/warning
msgs on my window about log and no resources or something.  Since the
msgs didn't actually get logged but simply printed on the screen, I
don't recall what that was.  So for those of you who are running high
rate connections, if you haven't yet switched away from basic syslogd,
you might want to consider that.  I just did "dontlog-normal" and I've
never seen that come up again.

incidentally, why is it "dontlognull" and not "dontlog-null" just to
match the "dontlog-normal" syntax?

Finally, I'm using Keeepalived to do the failover of the load-balancer
actually running haproxy.  This part isn't really a haproxy question
per se, but since I'm here :)  I can specify specific vrrp_scripts and
whatnot in keepalived, and if there was a way to take advantage of
that, I suppose that might work.  But I'd like to keeep the
load-balancing and health-checking w/in haproxy if possible, and leave
the failover of the load-balancer itself to keepalived (or the vrrp
part of keepalived, since I'm not using the virtual-server part of
it.)  Yes, keepalived could actually do both that and act as a
load-balancer (thus removing haproxy from this entire setup.)  But I
don't have control over the actual real-servers, and thus can't change
any of their configuration (namely setting the realserver's default
gateway to be the keepalived server for LVS-NAT setup.)  Hence,
haproxy was my next (and frankly much easier) solution to the
load-balancing part of the equation (and still use keepalived on my LB
to do failover of the LBs.)

Thank you,

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