On Fri, Jan 08, 2010 at 12:13:37PM -0800, Bryan Talbot wrote:
> I'm trying to understand exactly what this termination state means.  I'm 
> seeing http connections from clients that seem to be complete and queued.  
> These requests seem to be timing out from the queue well before the "timeout 
> queue" time though.  The proxy is busy at these times and there are a number 
> of requests queued.
> Why are these sessions terminated?  I was expecting it to be terminated after 
> the 30s "timeout queue" but it seems to have terminated after just 5s while 
> waiting for client data (which seems odd since the Tq value is present and 
> small).  My understanding was that requests would not be queued until the 
> client completed sending the request.
> Here is a sample log entry that shows the issue.  This is using 1.3.20 btw.
> 111.222.333.444:1234 [08/Jan/2010:13:05:42.055] web portal/<NOSRV> 
> 19/5000/-1/-1/5019 503 212 - - cQ-- 811/811/721/0/0 0/550 "GET /foo/bar 
> HTTP/1.1" 

I think I know what is happening :

> defaults
>         timeout connect       5s
>         timeout client        5s
>         timeout http-request  5s
>         timeout server       20s
>         timeout queue        30s

The "timeout client" fires before "timeout queue". Client and server
timeouts have always covered the other ones, but I suspect that in
this specific case we should be able to disable the client timeout
when we're waiting in the queue. This is a risky change as we
absolutely need to ensure we re-enable it when leaving the queue,
but that's something that needs to be studied because I think it
makes sense to do it.

In the mean time, you should simply set your "timeout client" to
at least the same value as "timeout queue". As a general rule of
thumb, I recommend to set both client and server timeouts to
similar values, because it avoids head scratching trying to
understand which one should have fired first. Also, if your client
timeout is smaller than the server's, haproxy will not necessarily
know whether the server is not responding because it is waiting for
the client or because it's working, so the client timeout will still
fire when your server responds slowly. Thus, I think you could
reasonably set "timeout client" to 30s and leave the other ones


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