Hi !

after 3.5 months of minor updates and bugfixes, here comes haproxy 1.3.23.

It fixes a few minor to medium issues :
  - several annoying config parser issues causing incorrect or imprecise
    error detection/reporting, as well as one bug when dealing with long lines.

  - a weakness in the request cookie parser, which could make it skip the
    persistence cookie if preceeded by a syntactically incorrect one. The
    symptom is a loss of persistence when such an incorrect cookie is set
    in the browser from some Javascript code (such an incorrect cookie
    cannot be learned from a server, the browser would reject it).

  - cookie domain check in the config has been relaxed because many sites don't
    work if we strictly apply the RFC, which browsers don't apply at all either.

  - health checks would sometimes detect a failure while it's just that the
    server has sent a reset that is reported as an asynchronous error by the
    local TCP stack. The check method has been modified so that the error is
    only considered if the recv() call fails, thus improving the chances to
    get the response in such conditions.

  - the "halog" tool failed to build on non-x86 machines due to a CPU-specific
    optimisation that was left by accident.

  - several doc fixes to more closely match the config parser.

It also brings three new minor features :
  - support for the new "request-learn" option for appsession cookies. This
    allows haproxy to learn a cookie from the request with servers which
    recreate the same session ID and do not present one in the response.

  - backport of the "force-persist" feature. It allows one to define rules
    to grant access to a down server. This is especially useful during server
    updates, as you want to remotely check your site on the new server as if
    you were a normal visitor, without enabling the server for normal visitors.
    This can be achieved using force-persist and cookies. Please refer to the
    doc for more information.

  - backport of "http-check send-state". When set in a backend, haproxy sends
    a lot of useful info to the servers while checking them. A header contains
    the server's state, its weight, the total farm's weight, the number of
    current requests, its queue size, etc... This can be used by a health-check
    agent on the server to detect failures, report up-nolb-down transitions to
    an operator, decide to allocate more resources or to disable some slow
    services, etc...

Since 1.4 is getting closer to a release, it is very probable that no new
features will be added to 1.3 (bugs will still be fixed though). For this
reason it'd be good idea for distros to be released soon to update to this
one as the last 1.3 and only merge bug fixes from now on.

As usual, you can find the whole thing here :
   site index : http://haproxy.1wt.eu/
   sources    : http://haproxy.1wt.eu/download/1.3/src/
   changelog  : http://haproxy.1wt.eu/download/1.3/src/CHANGELOG
   binaries   : http://haproxy.1wt.eu/download/1.3/bin/

Of course, if you noticed anything abnormal, please report it here.


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