Dnia 2010-04-11, nie o godzinie 20:35 +0200, Lincoln Stoll pisze:

> Hi, I'm testing haproxy 1.3.18 on ubuntu 9.10, and I'm having an issue
> with hot reconfiguration - it seems to refuse new connections for a
> very short period of time (around 50ms it seems).
> The command I'm using is /usr/sbin/haproxy -f /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
> -p /var/run/haproxy.pid -sf $(cat /var/run/haproxy.pid) , and the
> haproxy config can be seen at http://gist.github.com/362959 . I've
> also tried building 1.4.3 from source, and I'm seeing the same issue
> there. I'm using ab to generate the load, and the load is both direct
> and via nginx running as a proxy - it shows up in both places.
> Is this expected behaviour, or am I doing something wrong / is
> something wrong?
Yes it is expected, basically that command tells haproxy to:
1) signal already running haproxy instance to stop listening for new
connections but wait for already established ones to finish
2) start listening
3) if something is wrong (bad config etc) signal old instance to resume

so its more like stop old instance and start new, but existing
connections wont be destroyed

Mariusz Gronczewski (XANi) <xani...@gmail.com>
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