On Mon, Jun 07, 2010 at 06:34:20PM +0200, Hervé COMMOWICK wrote:
>  Hi ??ukasz,
> From the configuration.txt :
> ""
> when a connection expires during "timeout http-keep-alive", no error
> is returned, the connection just closes. If the connection expires in
> "timeout http-request" while waiting for a connection to complete, a
> HTTP 408 error is returned.
> This is sometimes caused by too large TCP MSS values on the client
> side for PPPoE networks which cannot transport full-sized packets, or
> by clients sending requests by hand and not typing fast enough, or
> forgetting to enter the empty line at the end of the request.
> ""
> You can search your log to find what type of clients (User-Agent)
> made this type of requests.

and their source IP and type of requests. Maybe you'll notice that
only a few IPs are affected each day, always on a POST request for
example, which would imply that some of your visitors are still
affected by this now 10-years old issue. If so, you should adjust
your TCP stack's advertised MSS to a lower value. On recent haproxy
versions (1.4), you can also tell it to setup the MSS field on the
listening sockets that way :

frontend xxx
     bind mss 1422

It's way easier than changing the TCP stack settings. And yes, that's
one of the rare situations where you have to install workarounds for
broken clients that don't even know they're broken !


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