On Fri, Jun 11, 2010 at 10:12:59PM +0200, Martin Kofahl wrote:
> Hi,
> I have some backend-servers (eg A and B) in multiple backends (B has some 
> special sites running that's why). Algorithm is least connection. But this 
> information is not shared between the backends, even though servers have the 
> same name. So if A has 10 connections in backend TWO, backend ONE will still 
> see A as unused with 0 connections. Using the least connection algorithm I 
> would wish that connection numbers are counted overall.
> Sample configuration
> frontend myfrontend *:80
>    acl acl_site1 url_sub 
>    use_backend TWO if acl_site1 
>    default_backend ONE
> backend ONE
>    server A ...
>    server B ...
> backend TWO
>    server A ...
> What can I do to use the least conn algorithm in this setup?

Not much I fear. I'm planning on adding the notion of shared resources
with the QoS, but it will not be before 1.6 I think. In the mean time,
it might be possible to modify the server processing so that we can
indicate another server to take the current number of conns. But it
should be tricky and there will probably be a problem with queueing
anyway. But if someone comes with a patch adding a "share xxx/yyy"
keyword a bit as "track" does, I'm willing to study it for earlier
adoption !


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