
You can use stunnel for decrypt/recrypt the ssl stuff :

stunnel's config :
haproxy's config



On Sat, 16 Oct 2010 13:34:04 +0300
Pasi Kärkkäinen <pa...@iki.fi> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'd like to use haproxy to loadbalance a service
> that uses (only) https in the backend.. service in question 
> cannot be changed to provide http, it's https only.
> (I know, it's stupid, but I cannot change that unfortunately..)
> I know I could use the haproxy 'raw' mode, but I need some of the
> ACL features of haproxy, so I need to use the http mode instead.
> Does someone have a patch that allows using https on the backend? 
> If there's no such patch, how big changes it would require?
> I might work on it if there's nothing ready yet..
> Thanks!
> -- Pasi

Hervé COMMOWICK, EXOSEC (http://www.exosec.fr/)
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