Hi Willy,

Le vendredi 12 novembre 2010 16:45:54, Willy Tarreau a écrit :
> Thank you Cyril, I'll forward all that material to Emeric in case
> he finds a clue about that. I hope we're not hitting buffer size
> limits or things like this on the unix sockets :-/

OK, it took me some times and a lot of tests/modifications in stunnel and 
haproxy but I've found the limit.
In proto_uxst.c there's a call to listen(sock, 0)

I tried with listen(sock, 2000) and could run
 $ ab -n10000 -c500  https://localhost:8443/
 $ httperf --server localhost --port 8443 --uri / --rate 200 \
           --num-conn 10000--ssl --num-call 1
without any problem, which was not the case before.

Now, as it's shared with the stats, I don't know what to do.
Should we use the listener backlog value for both or should we keep 0 for the 
stats ?

Cyril Bonté

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