Are there any config examples I can take a look at?
Specifically having HAPROXY load balance 2 backend SSL encrypted 
tomcat servers.
As per your message, I would not be able to use POUND.
How can I configure HAPROXY to only balance the 2 servers' port 443 
and apply stickiness to the source IP's?
are there any examples I can look at?

How can I modify the below config to also passthrough, balance and 
create the sticky sessions for SSL also?
currently our port 80 load balancing looks like this: (entire 

    log local7         # only send important events
    maxconn 4096
    user haproxy
    group haproxy
    log global
    mode http
    option httplog
    option dontlognull
    retries 3
    option redispatch
    maxconn 2000
    contimeout 5000
    clitimeout 50000
    srvtimeout 50000
        stats enable
    stats uri /stats
frontend http-in
    bind *:80
    acl is_ww2_test1_com hdr_end(host) -i
    use_backend ww2_test1_com if is_ww2_test1_com
backend ww2_test1_com
    balance roundrobin
    cookie SERVERID insert nocache indirect
    option httpchk
    option httpclose
    option forwardfor
    server Server1 cookie Server1
    server Server2 cookie Server2

thanks again.


On Mon, 15 Nov 2010 14:39:13 -0500 "Hank A. Paulson" 
<> wrote:
>Where is the rest of your haproxy config - if you are talking to 
>port 443 on 
>your tomcat servers...
>If you have have the 2 backend servers and you want haproxy to 
>talk to the 
>encrypted/ssl ports on them (and you want your end users to see 
>the certs that 
>are on the tomcat servers) then the only thing haproxy can "see" 
>is the source 
>IP and source port and try to create stickiness with the source 
>IP. So you 
>have to think in those terms - what is unencrypted at the time 
>each request 
>and response passes through haproxy.
>In this case the end user sees the cert installed on pound and 
>haproxy can use 
>all the layer 7/http capabilities:
>ssl/443 -> pound -> non-ssl -> haproxy non-ssl -> tomcat(s)
>you can't do (AFAIK):
>ssl/443 -> pound -> non-ssl -> haproxy -> ssl -> tomcat(s)
>because the user would still see only the pound cert and I don't 
>think haproxy 
>can initiate ssl sessions on its own.
>On 11/15/10 11:08 AM, wrote:
>> So we have 2 webservers on the backend with SSL encryption.
>> We want to keep this the way it is.
>> Is there a way for HAPROXY to balance these 2 servers with 
>> sessions enabled?
>> how can this be done?
>> Currently when trying it this way;
>> defaults
>>      log global
>>      mode http
>>      option httplog
>>      option dontlognull
>>      retries 3
>>      option redispatch
>>      maxconn 2000
>>      contimeout 5000
>>      clitimeout 50000
>>      srvtimeout 50000
>>          stats enable
>>      stats uri /stats
>> frontend http-in
>>      bind *:80
>>      acl is_ww2_test1_com hdr_end(host) -i
>>      use_backend ww2_test1_com if is_ww2_test1_com
>> backend ww2_test1_com
>>      balance roundrobin
>>      cookie SERVERID insert nocache indirect
>>      option httpchk
>>      option httpclose
>>      option forwardfor
>>      server Server1 cookie Server1
>>      server Server1 cookie Server2
>> Since the 2 servers are encrypted on port 443 (with the main 
>> page on port 80 not encrypted),
>> the above setup works until it hits 443 where i get the error
>> "Error 310 (net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS): There were too many
>> redirects.".
>> Port 443 on the HAPROXY frontend is using Pound for the 
>> However both backend servers have a Tomcat Keystore (signed 
>> thawte) which I doubt will be compatable with Pound.  (and I 
>> want to resign the cert or get a new cert)
>> Can I somehow get HAPROXY to balance these 2 servers with proper
>> sticky session handling?
>> TIA!

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