Hello HaProxy list,

 I have recently setup an install of haproxy on two virtual instances
in my environment. It is performing beautifully and really holding up
to it's task quite well.

  To explain a bit about my setup, I have 3 CentOS 5.5 instances
hosting the site and a fourth doing the same that happens to be a
FreeBSD 8.1 server. All three CentOS instances turn up in the stats
interface with accurate statistics on their performance and uptime.
However, the FreeBSD server (which has been verified to be functioning
well) always shows as down in the stats interface.

 All hosts, CentOS as well as FreeBSD share an NFS mounted web
directory so that they all serve the same exact content. You can hit
each server on the local lan through it's internal DNS and they all
function. So why would only the FreeBSD machine show as down?


GPG me!!

gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys F186197B

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