Hi folks,

I have a web app (served by Tomcat) that was intended for intranet use. As
such I assume that the security is only basic and it is not suitable for
facing the public internet. When seeking a product to stand between my app
and the world, haproxy was recommended to me. I understand that this is not
the primary function of haproxy so if anyone can suggest a product more
suitable (open or commercial), then I'm all ears.

I have spoken briefly with Willy who has very kindly set me on the right
track for a couple of issues but I'm still not grokking haproxy yet. I have
the following set in my haproxy.cfg. haproxy is correctly proxying my
application but I am not challenged for a password at any point. Would
someone kindly point out where I have made errors?

Also, Willy suggested that I could use haproxy 1.5(dev) to harden the
connection, preventing brute force attacks and the like. I have reviewed the
configuration.txt file and most of the concepts are foreign to me. Has
anyone a sample config file for this purpose they would share?


userlist L1
        group G1 users sean
        user sean insecure-password abc123

backend sleds
        mode http
        acl auth_ok http_auth(L1) G1
        http-request auth unless auth_ok
        timeout connect 10s
        timeout server 30s
        balance roundrobin
        server sled1 weight 1 maxconn 512

frontend http_proxy #arbitrary name for the frontend
        bind :80 #all interfaces at port 80
        mode http
        option forwardfor
        option http-server-close
        option http-pretend-keepalive
        default_backend sleds #by default forward the requests to sled

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