
>> The X-Forwarded-For header is only added once at the end of all
>> Otherwise, having it in the defaults section would result in both your
>> frontend and your backend adding it.
Then the possibility to add it only to a frontend or a backend in the
defaults section would be nice?

>> So in your case, what happens is that you delete it in the frontend
>> reqidel) then you tag the session for adding a new one after all
>> is done.
>> When at the last point we have to establish a connection to the
server, we
>> check the header and balance based on it. I agree we should always
have it
>> filled with the same value, so there's a bug.
So if I got it right, I cannot balance based on the new header because
it was not added yet. That behaviour comes really unexpected because one
usually would believe it was already added in the frontend.

>> My guess is that you're running a version prior to 1.4.10 which has the
>> header deletion bug : the header list can become corrupted when exactly
>> two consecutive headers are removed from the request (eg: connection and
>> x-forwarded-for). Then the newly added X-Forwarded-For could not be seen
>> by the code responsible for hashing it.
>> If so, please try to upgrade to the last bug fix (1.4.10) and see if the
>> problem persists.
I am already using 1.4.10 - sorry, it seems I somehow forgot to mention
it! :/

>> Also, I'd like to add that what you're doing is simply equivalent (though
>> more complex) to hashing the source address. You'd better use
"balance src"
>> for this :-)
That is a good hint, but I also have a frontend for SSL (with stunnel
which adds the X-Forward-For header) that I'd want to use the same
backend. I did not like defining backends twice as it introduces
redundancy and might lead to inconsistency, it is a good workaround
though. Note: my testing and the bug happened with the normal frontend.

Also, I could leave out the reqidel of the header, but then a malicious
party could theoretically choose the server it accesses (by forging
x-forwarded-for) and overload one after another; I prefer to take away
this possibility (yea I am overdoing it, maybe). ;)

Best regards,


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