On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 8:15 PM, g...@desgames.com <g...@desgames.com> wrote:
> Actually, I should clarify something. We don't really actually want the
> 'black hole' situation I described - instead, what we want is for haproxy to
> accept and queue the messages that come in from the requesting server, but
> to still deliver them when a backend server becomes available. In this way,
> the requesting process can continue executing and not having to wait for a
> response. Obviously, we intend to do this only for async type calls.

super hacky, but how about setting up an xinetd service as a backup
server. haproxy switches connections over only when your service is

the xinetd service could capture each request and play them back
later..this service could be as simple as a script:

cat >> ${REPLAY_LOG_DIR}/$(date +%Y_%m_%d)

> On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 4:52 PM, g...@desgames.com <g...@desgames.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We have a tcp service we'd like to proxy requests to, and we were
>> investigating haproxy as a possible solution for our requirements. So far,
>> it doesn't seem like haproxy is suitable but I thought I'd run it by the
>> community to confirm what I understand to be the case.
>> What we want is a proxy that will accept tcp connections on a specific
>> port and always send a tcp 'ok' response to the requesting process whether
>> or not there is a backend server available. If a backend server (we only
>> plan on having one at the moment) is available then we want the request
>> passed transparently through to the backend server. If the backend server is
>> *not* available, then we want haproxy to operate as a kind of 'black hole',
>> and just accept whatever is sent to it, dumping it to the equivalent of
>> /dev/null. Basically, acting as an equivalent of the backend server.
>> Is the above possible with haproxy? Based on what I've read in the
>> configuration documentation, the answer is no. However, there are a *lot* of
>> options in there so I thought perhaps there's some obscure setting which
>> would allow this to work.
>> Alternatively, does anyone know of a utility that could do what we want?
>> Thanks,
>> Guy
> --
> Guy Knights
> Systems Administrator
> DES Games
> www.desgames.com
> g...@desgames.com

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