Hi guys!

I'm new to HAProxy and currently I'm testing it.
So I've read this on the main page of the web site:
"The reliability can significantly decrease when the system is pushed to its 
limits. This is why finely tuning the sysctls is important. There is no general 
rule, every system and every application will be specific. However, it is 
important to ensure that the system will never run out of memory and that it 
will never swap. A correctly tuned system must be able to run for years at full 
load without slowing down nor crashing."
And now have the question.

How do you usually prevent system to swap? I use Linux but solutions for any 
other OSes are interesting for me too.

I think it isn't just to "swapoff -a" and to del appropriate line in 
/etc/fstab. Because some people say that it isn't good choise..

P.S. I'm sorry for previous email without specified subject

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