Hi all,

There were a bunch of minor but annoying issues reported on 1.5-dev4,
it was enough to divert me from other activities, so it was time to
emit a fixed version (so that I can go back review Simon's work).

So I released 1.5-dev5 with several fixes, among which :
  - address parser bug was causing connections to loop on some setups
    (David Du colombier)

  - src_conn_cur ACL returing src_conn_cnt instead (Cory Forsyth, Cyril Bonté)

  - stupid values reported in the retries field in logs upon request errors
    (Johannes Smith)

  - stats accesses in logs reported as "NOSRV" instead of "STATS"

  - fix for 64-bit content-lengths on 32-bit platforms

  - fix some build issues (eg: CTTPROXY)

It also features a few addons that were pending :

  - full IPv6 with servers, loggers & stick-tables (David du Colombier)
    => some work remains to be done for monitor-net, proxy mode, etc...

  - table_cnt and table_avl ACLs to report usage and space available in
    stick tables

  - "send-proxy" : support for the PROXY protocol with servers. It basically
    allows haproxy to be daisy chained or installed in front of compatible
    servers without losing the initial connection's information.

Users of 1.5-dev4 are strongly encouraged to upgrade.

Theorically (ie: if no big issue appears), 1.5-dev6 should come out with a
few more IPv6 patches and with Simon's work on seamless hot-reconfiguration.

In the mean time, please find the usual download URLs below :
   site index      : http://haproxy.1wt.eu/
   sources         : http://haproxy.1wt.eu/download/1.5/src/devel/
   changelog       : http://haproxy.1wt.eu/download/1.5/src/CHANGELOG
   stunnel patches : http://haproxy.1wt.eu/download/patches/

Have fun,

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