On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 12:05:41PM +0530, Avinash Gaonkar wrote:
> Dear Willy,
> I have configured haproxy with stunnel to load balance my web servers.
> https request -->stunnel--->haproxy --> backend servers(apache+tomcat)
> This works fine but when I want to redirect http traffic to https in haproxy 
> using acl it doesn't work.
> http request -->haproxy <use acl to redirect to https----> stunnel --> 
> haproxy ----> backend servers(apache+tomcat)
> My fontend config: 
> frontend example.com.com
> bind
> mode http
> log global
> option httplog
> maxconn 10000
> timeout client 300s
> acl secure url http://example.com
> redirect location https://example.com/MyServer if secure
> default_backend  example.comBACK
> is my acl ok?

No, your ACL matches "http://example.com"; that will never be posted by
anyone. A browser would post a URL "/" with a Host header of "example.com".
Nowhere in the request the protocol is indicated. One easy thing to do is
to match on the source address of stunnel (often or the local
machine) to know if you went through stunnel or not. Another principle I
like even better is to forward stunnel's traffic to a distinct bind address.
For instance :

frontend example.com
        bind   # public http address
        bind       # for stunnel traffic only

Then you can for instance redirect certain requests to https :

        acl host_example.com hdr(host) -i example.com
        acl url_slash url /
        acl via_stunnel dst_port 81

        redirect location https://example.com/MyServer if !via_stunnel 
host_example.com url_slash

If you want *all* of your http traffic to be inconditionnally redirected to
https, then it's even easier to have two distinct frontends and no ACL :

frontend secure
        bind       # for stunnel
        default_backend ...

frontend http
        bind   # for http visitors
        redirect location https://example.com/MyServer


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