I have a number if instances using tcp mode, and a stick-table on src
ip for affinity. When a server is in maintenance mode, clients with an
existing affinity will still connect to the disabled server, and only
be re-dispatched if the connection fails (and error responses from the
backend are still successful tcp connections).

I've done a few things to stop this traffic when needed:
 - drop the packets on the load balancer with a null route or iptables.
 - block the packets with the firewall on the backend server, and let
the clients get re-dispatched.
 - shutdown the services that could response from the backend, and re-dispatch.

Have I missed any configuration in haproxy that will completely stop
traffic to a backend? I have no problem managing this as-is myself,
but having fewer pieces involved makes delegating administration
responsibilities easier.

Willy, is a "block server" option (or maybe a "drop table" to get rid
of affinity sessions), something that could be implemented?


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