could publish some benchmark of haproxy + all best ssl frontend.
i think it would be really valuable infos for the haproxy community.

Sebastien E.

Le 23 août 2011 à 13:29, Baptiste <> a écrit :

> Hi Sebastien,
> Actually, bumptech has not yet integrated all the patches developed by Emeric.
> And the stunnel version used is the one without Exceliance (Emeric
> again) patches.
> But definitely, stud is interesting.
> cheers
> On Tue, Aug 23, 2011 at 1:02 PM, Sebastien Estienne
> <> wrote:
>> New benchmark on this topic with haproxy:
>> On Saturday, July 9, 2011, Willy Tarreau <> wrote:
>>> Hello Sébastien,
>>> On Fri, Jul 08, 2011 at 11:17:12PM +0200, Sébastien Estienne wrote:
>>>> yes we perfectly understand this, and that is what we like about haproxy.
>>>> But the demand for SSL is growing, it s even mandatory for some use
>>>> cases.
>>>> Stud looks really promising and solid and a good match for haproxy as it
>>>> was designed to be used with haproxy ( 
>>>> ).
>>>> Today we have the choice between:
>>>> - haproxy 1.4 + patched stunnel
>>>> - haproxy 1.5 dev + stud
>>>> - patched haproxy 1.4 + stud
>>>> The last one seems the most stable with the best performance, so as the
>>>> demand for SSL is growing, i think it would be a big plus that haproxy 1.4
>>>> can work with stud  without being patched.
>>> I see your point. Well, there is also a fourth solution. At Exceliance, we
>>> have an "haproxy enterprise edition (hapee)" packaging which includes a
>>> patched haproxy 1.4, patched stunnel etc... There's a free version you can
>>> register for. We decided to install it as some of our supported customers
>>> for free, just because it made maintenance easier for us, and rendered
>>> their infrastructure more stable.
>>>> I don t know if it would make sense but maybe stud could be integrated
>>>> somehow in haproxy like this:
>>>> Instead of starting stud then haproxy separately, the main haproxy
>>>> process could fork some stud-like process (binding 443) as it already forks
>>>> haproxy childs for multicore and it would discuss using the proxy protocol
>>>> transparentlyfor the end user with no need to setup the link between both.
>>> It's amusing that you're saying that : when I looked at the code, I
>>> thought
>>> "they use the same design model as haproxy and they have the same goals,
>>> maybe this could be merged". My goal with SSL in haproxy is that we can
>>> dedicate threads or processes to that task, thus some core changes are
>>> still
>>> needed, but a first step might precisely be to have totally independant
>>> processes communicating over a unix socket pair and the proxy protocol.
>>> It's just not trivial yet to reach the server in SSL, but one thing at a
>>> time...
>>>> This would offer a seemless SSL integration without hurting haproxy
>>>> codebase and stability for clear http content.
>>> Exactly.
>>> Thanks for your insights, they comfort me in that mine were not too
>>> excentric :-)
>>> Willy
>> --
>> Sebastien Estienne

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