Whether I have the rules in the backend or the front does not seem to make a difference - I tried some rules in front and back and neither worked.

Maybe I am missing something obvious.

Example with config:

[haproxy]# wget -S -O -
--2011-09-08 19:00:59--
Connecting to connected.

HTTP request sent, awaiting response... T -> [AP]
GET /blank.gif HTTP/1.0..User-Agent: Wget/1.12 (linux-gnu)..Accept: */*..Host: Keep-Alive....

  HTTP/1.0 200 OK
  Server: thttpd
  Content-Type: image/gif
  Date: Fri, 09 Sep 2011 02:00:59 GMT
  Last-Modified: Wed, 07 Sep 2011 17:17:06 GMT
  Accept-Ranges: bytes
  Content-Length: 43
  X-nohdrsub: 1 <==== the only rsp hdr added is the negation of a hdr* acl
  Connection: keep-alive
Length: 43 [image/gif]
Saving to: “STDOUT”

2011-09-08 19:00:59 (8.57 MB/s) - written to stdout [43/43]

config file:

#        option splice-auto
        option tcp-smart-connect
        option http-server-close
        timeout queue 27s
        timeout http-request 5s
        timeout client 33s
        timeout connect 8s
        timeout server 33s
        timeout http-keep-alive 77s
        timeout tarpit 190s

        node       hdr_cnt
        description hdr_cnt
        log        localhost local1
#       log        localhost local1 err
        maxconn    32768
        uid        99
        gid        99
        chroot     /var/empty
        pidfile    /var/run/haproxy.pid
        stats socket /tmp/hap.sock
        spread-checks 6

frontend hdr_cnt
        mode         http
        log          global
        option       httplog
        option http-server-close
        option       log-separate-errors
        maxconn      32768

        capture request  header Host           len 32
        capture request  header User-Agent     len 256
        capture request  header Content-Length len 10
        capture request  header Referer        len 384
        capture request  header Via            len 64
        capture request  header Cookie         len 128

        capture response header Content-Length len 10

        default_backend www

backend www
        mode    http
        balance roundrobin
        server www1 maxconn 10
        option http-server-close
        acl hashosthdr_via_hdrcntge1 hdr_cnt(Host) ge 1
        acl hashosthdr_via_hdrcntlt9 hdr_cnt(Host) lt 9
        acl hashosthdr_via_hdrsub  hdr_sub(host) -i 10.1

        acl hasuahdr_via_hdrcntge1 hdr_cnt(User-Agent) ge 1
        acl hasuahdr_via_hdrcnt1 hdr_cnt(User-Agent) 1

        rspadd X-gothdrcntge1:\ 1 if hashosthdr_via_hdrcntge1
        rspadd X-gothdrcntlt9:\ 1 if hashosthdr_via_hdrcntlt9

        rspadd X-gothdrsub:\ 1 if hashosthdr_via_hdrsub
        rspadd X-nohdrsub:\ 1 if !hashosthdr_via_hdrsub

        rspadd X-gotuahdrcntge1:\ 1 if hasuahdr_via_hdrcntge1
        rspadd X-gotuahdrcnt1:\ 1 if hasuahdr_via_hdrcnt1

On 9/8/11 6:49 AM, Baptiste wrote:

where are you doing your ACLs?
Frontend or backend?


On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 3:06 PM, Hank A. Paulson
<h...@spamproof.nospammail.net>  wrote:
does hdr_cnt not work or am I just completely unable to get an example that
works? I can't imagine it doesn't work but I have tried _many_ - some
examples and nothing seems to work (maybe it is 40+ hrs):

acl hdrcnttest  hdr_cnt gt 0
reqadd x-has-host:\ YES if hdrcnttest

acl hdrcnttest  hdr_cnt(host) gt 0
reqadd x-has-host:\ YES if hdrcnttest

acl hdrcnttest  hdr_cnt(Host) gt 0
reqadd x-has-host:\ YES if hdrcnttest

acl hdrcnttest  hdr_cnt(Host) 1
reqadd x-has-host:\ YES if hdrcnttest

reqadd x-has-host:\ YES if { hdr_cnt(Host) gt 0 }

reqadd x-has-host:\ YES if { hdr_cnt(Host:) gt 0 }

Nothing seems to work, I tried 1.4.15, 1.4.17 and I recompiled 1.4.17
without any options at all for make except linux26

Other acl criteria seem to work as normal, just hdr_cnt...


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