There are simple ways and big fancy ways.

I'd recommend a simple way to start out. DNS can serve more than 1 ip
address for a single name via 2 or more A records.

On Wed, Jan 4, 2012 at 6:48 PM, S Ahmed <> wrote:
> How is it possible for a single domain like which maps to a
> public i.p of xx.xx.xx.xx work when there are multiple haproxy servers?
> The only way I can think of is if somehow your domain name maps to 2
> different ipaddresses (if you can 2 haproxy servers).
> I'm not talking about a single front-end haproxy which then further proxies
> to another set of haproxy servers.
> Is it possible to have multiple haproxy servers that are round robined?   If
> so, how?

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