
I'm observing some strange behavior with slowstart and the track option.

When taking out web1 for maintenance and putting it back online the weight of cluster1/web1 returns to 100 in 5 minutes but cluster2/web1 keeps stuk at 7.

Is this expected behavior?

I have the following config:

listen cluster1
 bind x.x.x.x:80
 mode http
 balance roundrobin

 option abortonclose
 option httpchk GET /check.php HTTP/1.0
 option http-server-close
 option redispatch

server web1 y.y.y.1:80 cookie web1 weight 100 minconn 40 maxconn 70 check inter 2000 rise 3 fall 2 slowstart 5m server web2 y.y.y.2:80 cookie web2 weight 100 minconn 40 maxconn 70 check inter 2000 rise 3 fall 2 slowstart 5m

backend cluster2
 bind x.x.x.x:443
 mode tcp
 option abortonclose
 option redispatch

server web1 y.y.y.1:443 weight 100 minconn 2 maxconn 5 track cluster1/web1 slowstart 5m server web2 y.y.y.2:443 weight 100 minconn 2 maxconn 5 track cluster1/web2 slowstart 5m



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