One way to do this is to find it in the logs with a script and then have
that script apply a black hole rule to iptables.  As a matter of course, we
use a similar approach to block rapid failed login attempts on servers with
public facing ssh.  It works very well.


Jerry Champlin
Absolute Performance Inc.
Phone: 303-565-4401
Enabling businesses to deliver critical applications at lower cost and
higher value to their customers.

On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 2:57 AM, fred hu <> wrote:

> Hi, All
> We are using haproxy since 2009 for LB.
> Recently we encountered some malicious clients sending request on same URL
> with especially high rate ( 100r/s and lasting for some minutes)
> Is there any possibility to block such user while keep serving the normal
> clients? (Surly We have no idea on malicious users ip before (s)he attacks)
> I read the configuration manual and find we have fe_sess_rate/be_sess_rate
> ACLs. But it seems for all clients.
> So, my question here is : Can we find/block a malicious user based on his
> request rate?
> Thx!
> --
> *Fred Hu*
> *Best Regards*

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