Hi Thomas

We used to install ubuntu jeos 8.0.4 ( just enought OS ) in vmware and it
was using 20 mg ram on the host and not much CPU. I'm pretty sure you have
that on your host. You can allocate 128M ram to the vm and 2 GB of disk.

Now Jeos is part os a ubuntu server install, I never did it with 10.04 but
here is what I found this morning

 'Download the server ISO image <http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download>,
boot from it, press F4 on the first screen and select "Install a minimal
virtual machine"'

You will found haproxy buid for 386 or 64 bit taht you can install in these

We use that in a production env for for 50-60 user for RDP protocol and it
just work.



Le 29 mars 2012 09:05, Thomas Manson <dev.mansontho...@gmail.com> a écrit :

> Hi,
>   In my job, I need to setup some HA setup with two VMWare image running
> on my laptop (16GB of RAM, SSD, Core i7).
>   I need a load balancer, but quite often we're using Windows OS for
> convenience, and HAProxy do not run on windows (at least easily).
>   So I'd like to now if there is very small footprint (in memory) linux
> with HAProxy on it that I would use for all my tests.
>   anybody aware of that?
> Regards,
> Thomas.

Guillaume Bourque, B.Sc.,
514 576-7638,  http://ca.linkedin.com/in/GuillaumeBourque/fr

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