Hi Team,

Configured HAProxy for bunch of web servers. It was working smoothly until
one fine day I found that on the server where haproxy is running memory
utilisation is getting high everyday. Biggest chunk in the memory
consumption is in slab_cache which is utilising 90% to 95% of total memory.
Server started using Swap and performance degraded.

Running Below configuration

OS - Debian 6.0.4 squeeze
CPU - Pentium D 3.00GHz
HAProxy - HA-Proxy version 1.4.19 2012/01/07

#free -m
                    total       used       free     shared    buffers
Mem:          5959       5780        178          0           3
-/+ buffers/cache:       5749        209
Swap:         5119        102       5017

Have a nice time,
Gourav Joshi
Have a look at www.linuxquestions.in

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