Hello Joakim,

What is synced is the persistence (stick) table, not the tcp sessions, haproxy don't do this, as it is the kernel job to maintains sessions.

However, i know some guys who use keepalived with syncd features to do that, but never made a test myself...

Btw, HTTP traffic are really small requests and is not really affected by TCP connection breakage, so there is really little need for this kind of tricks unless you have mainly long HTTP requests or RDP connections, or something that really needs never-disconnected TCP connections.



On 05/04/2012 09:11 AM, Joakim Ohlsson wrote:


I have a
question about replication of sessions.

I have two
haproxy servers (haproxy1 and haproxy2) and try to replicate the sessions with 
new feature Peers in version 1.5.

It seems to
work fine and I can see the entries in the stick tables on both my servers.

My hope on
this is not to lose my session/connection even if one of the haproxy server is
going down.

example, I have  established a session
via haproxy1 and this server going down. I have a virtual ip and this is now
moved to haproxy2.

Is it
possible to not lose the established session between the client and the backend
in this case?

I have tried this but the session is disconnected, unfortunately.

Thanks in


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