Sometimes it would be resolvable and other times not, it depends if
the host has reported itself to the DNS server previously and it's
still in the bind cache after going down. I suspect that this is
happening if the host is down and there is no IP for it in the DNS
tables, but that's just guess work on my part.

1.4.20 is the haproxy version we are running.

The name lookup during health checks + not erroring out on start-up,
seems like this would correct the problem. Currently, it seems haproxy
is rather unsafe to use for a dynamic dhcp+dns farm setup.

Thanks for the heads up.


On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 3:32 PM, Baptiste <> wrote:
> On Fri, May 11, 2012 at 6:09 PM, Andres Thomas Stivalet
> <> wrote:
>> Currently, if haproxy tries to start up and a webserver is down (and
>> it's defined as a hostname in the config file) haproxy refuses to
>> start. Looking at the previous change logs and announcements it seems
>> this is by design. Why is this done and is there a way to circumvent
>> this?
>> I would consider this a rather large design flaw, I must be missing 
>> something.
>> Cheers
> Hi,
> Is the hostname resolvable when the server is down?
> For now, HAProxy only tries to resolve a hostname at start up.
> Willy has plans to improve this by doing a name lookup during health
> checks, allowing a server to change its IP address. Maybe it ill fix
> the issue you're describing.
> By the way, which version of HAProxy are you running?
> cheers

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