I'll try the patch, but not until next week because of the holiday weekend.  I 
don't want to make a significant change that I would have to support over the 
long weekend.
I'm capturing tcpdump between SLB and the three backends.  I'd like to have a 
capture during an "outage".  I expect to see something today, and I'll send to 
- Kevin

On May 25, 2012, at 2:12 AM, Willy Tarreau wrote:

> Hi again Kevin,
> Well, I suspect that there might be a corner case with the bug I fixed
> which might have caused what you observed.
> The "timeout connect" is computed from the last expire date. Since
> "timeout check" was added upon connection establishment but the task
> was woken too late, then that after a first check failure reported
> too late, you can have the next check timeout shortened.
> It's still unclear to me how it is possible that the check timeout is
> reported this small, considering that it's updated once the connect
> succeeds. But performing computations in the past is never a good way
> to have something reliable.
> Could you please apply the attached fix for the bug I mentionned in
> previous mail, to see if the issue is still present ? After all, I
> would not be totally surprized if this bug has nasty side effects
> like this.
> Thanks,
> Willy
> <0001-BUG-MINOR-checks-expire-on-timeout.check-if-smaller-.patch>

Kevin Lange
W: +1 (301) 851-8450
Raytheon  | NASA  | ECS Evolution Development Program
https://www.echo.com  | https://www.raytheon.com

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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