
I've got a proxy connecting to two 'servers' that are connecting from the 
HAProxy to the remote servers via an ssh tunnel.

Here's an example:

listen portal
        mode tcp
        balance source
        timeout check 3000
        server i-e4014f9c localhost:58919 check
        server i-76a4ea0f localhost:38559 check

localhost:58919 and localhost:38559 are forwarded to separate remote servers 
via an SSH tunnel.

What I'm seeing is that I can take down the remote service and HAProxy doesn't 
detect it, but if I take down the ssh tunnel it detects it.  I'm wondering if 
there is some configuration that I can do to have HAProxy detect when the 
remote server's service goes down?

I've seen this possibility of using a separate check port:  

but I'd prefer to not do that because it just adds further complexity to the 
setup (more ssh tunnels).  



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