On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 8:49 AM, Stojan Rancic (Iprom) <sto...@iprom.si> wrote:
> On 26.7.2012 10:15, Sander Klein wrote:
>> So I definitely think Internet Explorer is doing it wrong. It relies on
>> the fact that most web servers will encode the URL for them, which most
>> actually do....
>> If you really want to accept the 'bad' URLs then you might enable
>> 'option accept-invalid-http-request' but I strongly recommend to not
>> enable this in a production environment.
> I did a bit of ngrep-ing yesterday as well, and we are indeed seeing
> non-ASCII encoded characters flowing in URLs and Referrers, from MSIE
> clients. We'll see how we handle those on our actual backends (without
> HAproxy forwarding the traffic), and then decide on what the next step would
> be.
> Thanks for the input so far.
> br, Stojan


You could use as well the option "option accept-invalid-http-request"
to tell HAProxy not to run character compliance testing.
This could be used temporary, the time for the applications to be fixed.


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