I am trying to find a health check suitable for FTP servers. Sometimes
the FTP server is in a state where it accepts a connection, but does
not respond for several seconds. I would like to be able to simply
ensure that the FTP server banner is returned by a server, ensuring
it's healthy operation.

Issue 1:

Is there a way to do a generic expect-style TCP check? It seems like
it would be fairly trivial to allow something like:

option tcpchk send foo expect bar

Issue 2:

I could not find anything suitable, so I decided to try smtpchk, it
could perhaps be bent to my will. However, the problem I ran into is
that my servers expect the proxy protocol, and even though the servers
are configured as:

listen ftp-vip00
    mode tcp
    option tcplog
    balance leastconn
    option smtpchk HELO ftp.org
    server beta-ftp00.ftphosting.net check send-proxy

No PROXY line was sent before the HELO ftp.org smtpchk, thus the check fails.

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