Ah okay, I expected bind :*12340 interface eth1 to listen to traffic coming to 
the interface, not to bind to al ips which are bound to the interface at the 
moment of starting haproxy. If that's really the case, the documentation of 
bind interface could be improved.

Cornelius Riemenschneider


ITscope GmbH

Ludwig-Erhard-Alle 20

76131 Karlsruhe

Email: cornelius.riemenschnei...@itscope.de


Handelsregister: AG Mannheim, HRB 232782

Sitz der Gesellschaft: Karlsruhe

Geschäftsführer: Alexander Münkel, Benjamin Mund, Stefan Reger


-----Original message-----
To:Cornelius Riemenschneider <c...@itscope.de>; 
CC:haproxy@formilux.org; Lukas Tribus <luky...@hotmail.com>; 
From:David Coulson <da...@davidcoulson.net>
Sent:Tue 12-02-2013 13:36
Subject:Re: Problems with 1.5-dev17 and bind to interface

On 2/12/13 7:32 AM, Cornelius Riemenschneider wrote:
> The server is configured to listen to all traffic on eth1 to a specific port 
> (12340), so either traffic sent to its normal internal ip adress or to its 
> VIP address, in case keepalived assigned it to us will result in haproxy 
> receiving traffic on 12340.
I think that is the key issue - HAProxy will listen on all IPs assigned 
to the interface when it is started. I do not believe it will bind to 
new IPs as they are added by keepalived or some other clustering tool.

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