
am working on setting up HAProxy and would like it to LB connections to our 
Zimbra server.  So far I have the following:

frontend zimbra-mta-frontend
  mode tcp
  no option http-server-close
  timeout client 1m
  log global
  option tcplog
  default_backend zimbra-mta-backend

backend zimbra-mta-backend
  mode tcp
  no option http-server-close
  log global
  option tcplog
  option smtpchk HELO mydomain.com
  timeout server 1m
  timeout connect 5s
  server zmta1 zm1.mydomain.com:1025 send-proxy

This works fine and proxies the connections through to Postscreen on the Zimbra 
very nicely indeed.  The problem I am having is how does one check that the 
service is running okay ? When I view in the statistics page the zmta1 line is 
greyed out.  I see that there is also a check-send-proxy option but not 
entirely sure of how it works.

Any help appreciated please.

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