
Could you take a capture of this check from the server?
In TCP mode, HAProxy manages buffers and just forward them in both
ways (client to server and vice-versa).


On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 4:59 AM, ZeN <z...@pix.co.id> wrote:
> Hello
> please bear with because i'm new with haproxy.
> recently i tried to loadbalance tcp base applications which bind/listen into
> specific ports.
> the behavior of the applications  ( server side ) is :
> check time out to the connected client ( 20 seconds), than close/terminated
> the staled clients connections.
> but with haproxy, i still cannot manage this behavior to work, because the
> server send the time out checking to the haproxy server, not directly to the
> clients.
> may be some of you who has more expertize with haproxy could point me what
> is wrong with my setup.
> i'm running HA-Proxy version 1.4.23 2013/04/03 from FreeBSD ports under
> FreeBSD 9.1-RELEASE-p2
> here is my simple haproxy conf:
> global
>         log local0 debug
>         maxconn 4096
> #        ulimit-n 1024
>         uid 1
>         gid 1
>         daemon
>         pidfile /var/run/haproxy.pid
> listen stats :8081
>         balance
>         mode http
>         stats enable
>         stats auth blah:blahpass
>         stats refresh 5s
> listen TEST :5150  ##bind to all interfaces##
>         mode tcp
>         option tcpka
>         option clitcpka
>         option srvtcpka
>         option tcp-smart-accept
>         option tcplog
>         timeout client  320s
>         timeout connect      30s
>         timeout server      30s
>         timeout check   30s
>         option abortonclose
>         option redispatch
>         retries 3
>         log global
>         balance roundrobin
> server piglet maxconn 2000
> server tigger maxconn 2000
> any help will be much appreciated
> ZeN

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