Hi All,

I'm trying to collect some statistics of haproxy server. Here is what I'm not able to understand.
If possible any body can help me out with this.

This is the command which is running and giving stats to collectd and the graphs are generated on graphite.
       " echo 'show stat' | socat - UNIX-CLIENT:$sock "

The problem is that the "rate" is showing something different and the hrsp_2xx is showing something different. Can any one have any idea how does the htsp_2xx stats are collected from haproxy. I mean whether it is per seconds/hits all through the logs or anything.

This is what it is there in http://haproxy.1wt.eu/download/1.4/doc/configuration.txt

# 33. rate: number of sessions per second over last elapsed second
# 39. hrsp_1xx: http responses with 1xx code
# 40. hrsp_2xx: http responses with 2xx code
# 41. hrsp_3xx: http responses with 3xx code
# 42. hrsp_4xx: http responses with 4xx code
# 43. hrsp_5xx: http responses with 5xx code

I can share the script if any body wants to have a look.

- Ashish

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